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Writer's pictureClaire

Finding Kin

I need solitude in order to develop my creative practise, having said that now and again it feels helpful and nourishing to connect with other like minded "kin". Up until now I have avoided involving myself with art groups and in particular those who appear fixated upon age and gender... of which there are many. It makes me realise how as an artist I identify with neither.

I've been aware of CAMP's existence for a while (Contemporary Art Membership Plymouth) and have followed online with interest. I was attracted most of all to its diversity in terms of membership and output. It felt so open and inclusive to all ages, genders and creative disciplines I was drawn to the raw and creative energy emanating from this.

Since joining back in February I've enjoyed a couple of "live" meetings in both Cornwall and Devon and look forward to more. In fact I'm helping to organise a drawing get together in Launceston in August which makes me feel like I've integrated positively. However, the monthly online Drawing Kin group is where I've become most regularly involved and it surprises me how well this works in terms of encouraging a focussed and supportive space in which to draw. Instead of distracting each other through general chat we have instead made a focussed commitment to each other by simply showing up with the intention of using the time as productively as possible. This dynamic has certainly brought me the opportunity to concentrate on more detailed drawings and experiments that I might not otherwise have got around to or rather it has "allowed" me the focussed time that I need to spend. Interestingly I rarely plan ahead in terms of how I'm going to use the time preferring to be "put on the spot" and it surprises me how this results in the production of something so unexpected and often interesting .

Last month's drawing has been used to advertise the group (see below and detail above). I was so chuffed about this!

Below are further drawings and experiments made during "kin time"

(Above) Oil Pastel over acrylic pours and then a drawing made by scratching into the surface.

(Below) Indian ink applied with a stick - to emphasise further detail - over photocopies of acrylic and oil pastel on paper.

Finally (below) a work in progress started at the last meeting 26/06/23 I'm really looking forward to getting it finished and continuing with more. I feel something really interesting has been kick (or kin) started here!

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