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Recharge Your Art - Painting

Part One

About: This course is for those who feel in need of a "refresher" and is aimed at both rusty returners and more experienced artists looking for some fresh input, inspiration and perhaps a new way in.


To kick off we will be returning to the basics of colour mixing and then build from there with some fresh approaches to painting using collage, mark making and experimental drawing to encourage you to respond to your subject matter and explore paint in different ways.

We will be working from a mixture of natural and man made objects all of which will be easily accessible to you at home.

In addition to the session time you will be given a set task to encourage you to continue practicing independently throughout the week.


Part Two

About: This is for those "graduates" of part one or for those who are confident with the basics of painting and are keen to continue pushing boundaries and experimenting with new and different approaches. 


The focus for part two is once again going to be about feeding and inspiring ideas for painting only this time using photography as a starting point and then through a process of deconstruction and reconstruction developing on from there towards a more abstract conclusion.

As with part one In addition to the session time you will be given a set task to encourage you to continue practicing independently throughout the week.

Format For Both Courses

 Weekly 90 minute sessions on Zoom where you will participate in practical workshop style exercises delivered through tutor demonstration. In addition this will be a place to share your progress, ask questions and for general discussion. You will also receive free and unlimited access to the Recharge Your Art Studio community via my site on FB where you can share your ongoing progress with the group and chat throughout the week (optional).

Zoom group tutorial time: Fridays 10.30 - 12.00

Recordings available for missed sessions

Cost: £80.00 for the full six weeks



Part One:

DATES for 2024 coming soon! To register interest please get in touch via the contact form below.


Part Two:

DATES for 2024 coming soon! To register interest please get in touch via the contact form below.

If you are interested in joining a future course then please sign up via the contacts form or drop me an email and I will send you a link to payments.


Please Note: These courses are for adult learners  (18+)

What you will need:



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